Role Play: Skippy's Kids Store - Scene Two
(This scene opens with the boss being a little more casual and relaxed around Maki. He no more than gets out his first couple of sentences when he grabs for his bottle of water for a drink, which he takes in mid-sentence.)

Mr. Swan: In addition to receiving the employee of the month award, we're also interested in moving you into a supervisory position. As I was hinting to you earlier, this will require you to work even harder. The management team and I have constructed an idea for you (he takes a drink of water) to move into a supervisory position within this department here. (Staying consistant, Mr. Swan continues to use his hands the whole time he is talking with Maki) But you will also be working with other departments and will be supervising the sales, marketing, and the other aspects of the other departments. So you will kind of be overseeing a lot of what goes on within the company in general. This job will prepare you for other positions within the company in the future.

Maki: But manager, I'm still so young.

Mr. Swan: Still young? Oh no, Maki. No, don't think of that. I mean, that's not something we think of when moving someone into a new position. We don't judge people for their age or anything like that, so that's not an issue. So don't let that bother you, because you have worked very hard for us within the first six months that you've been here and we've recognized your hard work. We've recognized that and now would like to move you up within the company, because you are a very hard worker. In fact, I've got some charts over there that I was wanting to show you. (The boss finally takes his eyes off of Maki's face and looks over her shoulder at the shelf behind her. After grabbing the charts on his desk, he gets up and begins to walk over by her to get the charts.) I've also got some charts here that I have been preparing to show you. Let me get those over by you also.

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