Role Play: Skippy's Kids Store - Scene Three
(This scene begins with Mr. Swan having just grabbed the papers from the shelf and is pulling up a chair next to Maki in order to explain the papers to her. Mr. Swan sits at what he sees as a perfect distance from Maki in order to go over the papers with her, however, she moves away. As he sits in his chair next to her, Maki moves her chair away from him in order to allow him more room. Mr. Swan then moves his chair closer to Maki in order to give her a good view of the papers that he is about to explain. This time, Maki gets a somewhat sour look on her face and again inches her chair away from her boss. You will notice that Maki does not get a word out during this scene as her boss does all of the talking. Maki continues to nod her head and look down at the papers that her boss is explaining to her. Once again, Mr. Swan looks directly at Maki while he speaks to her in order to let her know that he is giving her full attention. This time, he is much closer to Maki as he speaks with her. As Mr. Swan speaks to Maki, he again uses his hands in his speech, even though one hand remains holding the papers. He even adds a little sound effects to his speech as he talks about how the levels went up, he makes a noise of a small rocket launching as he raises his finger in the air in front of her.)

Mr. Swan: As you can see here, these are some charts that I've had previously from other jobs that I've worked with other companies. This one right here is when I was with Sears Company. It shows the performance levels are rather low down here (he points to the paper he is showing Maki). And then when I implemented the program...zoom! just shot up. And this is the same here with Macy's. Macy's had similar problems, and then with the implementation right here (he points to a place on another paper from the stack of papers he has in his hand) when I started with this new program... shewww!...the sales just shot up. (He flips to another page) This is exactly what I'm hoping to do here at Skippy's Kids Store. As you can see, the sales are, well, not so great. They are not really bad right now, but I'm thinking that if I can implement the same program, this same program with Skippy's Kids Store, that...pshewww...the sales will just be out of this world. They'll be tremendous. I'm hoping that you can help me with this, because what we are going to have to do (he flips to another page) is we're going to have to work with these various departments here. Not just this department, but all of these departments are going to have to work closely together. That's where you come in, because you are going to gather all of the information that is needed throughout the different departments and give that to me so that we can better implement this program. So that's what I'm kind of hoping for. (Leaning towards her and now looking directly into Maki's face he asks the next question) Does that make sense to you so far?

Maki: (Maki nods her head a few times in an affirmative sign.)

Mr. Swan: Ok, I just wanted to make sure. It's just a wonderful thing for you, because we are a very dynamic growing company here at Skippy's Kids Store within Japan. We're doing a lot of growth and we're forcasting a lot more growth in the future. With this growth, we will be looking for future managers, future department heads...and that's where you fit in. I mean, you're not married so you don't have any ties really. And as you said, you're younger, so you're free to move around. So it's going to be a great opportunity for you to move up within the company. So I'm very happy to have you in here. (Again, sorting through the papers) I have some other things here that I would like to show you. This here is kind of an outline of what the job requirements are going to be for you for the next few months. And within the next six month period, it shows here your objectives blocked out there. You've got some other activities here, showing what you will do for each department. (Now, flipping through the papers as if to display them all at once) There's a lot here for you to look over. (Holding the papers upright to stack them together in a nice neat pile) This is your copy. I have other copies of my own, so feel free to have that. Now, we will go into the other office, and I will show you what I have in there. Ok? (Looking right at Maki again, just before standing up. Maki, once again, nods her head in the affirmative.)

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